milly's moonbase!

Small Change - Medium Headache


Hi there! If you remember, on the last post I mentioned that the next time I would work on Cliffeltip I'd try and get a lot done. While not much story-wise was completed, I spent a lot bit of time today fixing an issue that has been nagging me for a while. That issue is volume.

First of all, let me give some background. The demo of Cliffeltip: Door One was created on a Windows laptop. A very VERY crappy Windows laptop. This was a massive issue for many reasons. First of all, the screen on this laptop shows VERY incorrect colors, especially with blues and whites. This is very bad because a majority of Door One's colors are bright... and blue. This issue resulted in the colors of the game looking VERY BAD on any other screen. Below is a picture displaying these very bad colors.

Now, look at a picture of what it looks like now that I'm using a different kind of screen (there have been other small changes to this room, but the colors are the most significant change.)

That's a lot better, right? Keep in mind that even now, if I were to look at these two pictures on that Windows laptop, the colors would look exactly the same. I think that is a very good example of how that Windows laptop distorts reality (and makes me seem a lot worse at coloring, LOL).

Now, that was one example of the Windows laptop being an issue. Volume is the other thing I'm fixing as a result of that awful laptop. For whatever reason, my Windows laptop puts out a lot more sound than any of my other devices. Now that I am using a better computer for Cliffeltip's development, I realized that no device can be that loud, and that yes, you should be able to hear the game when the volume is lower than 90%.

So how'd I fix it? The only way I knew how. I went through every single interactable object and character and manually shifted up the volume amount in each line of code for sound effects and music. This took two hours. In hindsight, there were definitely easier ways, but whatever. It's already been done.

Aside from all that though, I have gotten some things done. I finished another musical track, and completed and coded some spritework. Here's one of those things.

Another poster of the City, huh? Looks like it's showing part of Sector C, the largest of the four sections. That's cool! Maec would probably like this poster.

Here's another sneak peek, but this time I'm not explaining the context.

Now - let's end off this blog post with some interesting stuff! Firstly, let me state the current progress. I'd say that the progress percent has definitely gone up a little, let's say 52% this time. Now, let's look at some concept art! This is art from late 2022 when I first started development on the game.


Looks like I had this whole "decorational" bit planned out from the very beginning...

Lune and Toi in a musical battle! I don't think Lune would get up just for that though.

Small concept art of Lune! (granted, Lune had existed for a while before this art was made.)

Alright, I think that's all I have for this post. Enjoy your day, and make sure to keep updated on this blog for more updates on Cliffeltip. Bye bye now! :)