milly's moonbase!

stuff did & didn't happen today lol


hi, i don't have much to say today because i'm very sick, somehow. it's august... and i'm sick. i don't really get it, but whatever. i made myself some tea and just chilled for the majority of the day. aaron proposed the idea that i could have covid and i kind of thought it could be true... just because i had been having memory issues all day and i was getting the same kind of lung-hurting sneezes. i had my dad get me some covid tests but the tests ended up as negative. (though to be fair, i forgot to swirl the swab in the tube for the full 30 seconds because i was very disoriented from getting the sample LOL) i didn't do much aside from that, but i did spend like three hours trying to figure out how to get screen filters on my ps vita so that the screen could be darker and not hurt my eyes as much at night. if you want to do that, i'll explain so that you don't have to go thru the same process i did.

firstly, don't use the plugins vflux or vitaflux. they're hard to set up and didn't work for me no matter how i set them up. instead, use vitabright. you can download it from github, and also autoplugin II. this plugin alone doesn't let you add color filters on its own, but by going into the ur0:tai directory, you can replace the default vitabright_lut.tvt file with a custom one that adds custom gamma values, which are the color filters. i'm using this custom vitabright_lut.txt file, as it has many different filters that you cycle through by just using the brightness slider in the quick menu. (by the way, if you like the quick menu, i reccommend the quick menu plus plugin. it's very useful for me.

that's all i have to say for today, i'm gonna take it easy for a while until i feel better. bye bye now! :)