milly's moonbase!

school starting up again soon; been kinda lazy lately


hi there!!! it's been a few days since my last blog post (not counting the mind page), i've been kinda taking it easy since my birthday. but that's not to say nothing has happened since.

my two ipod nanos came in! i didn't realize when i had bought them that they both had faulty batteries and one had faulty audio, but i still think it was a good purchase regardless. so, with the rest of my birthday money, i bought a couple things. i bought a soldering kit, (i've soldered before, but never at home) i bought two replacement batteries for each nano, i bought a case for my ps vita, and i bought an ipod shuffle 2nd generation with a bad battery. the idea behind that is to buy a replacement battery for that eventually, and recplace it using the soldering iron. (yes, every ipod shuffle & nano battery is soldered on. no idea what the design philosophhy behind that is. (space ???)

aside from that, i haven't been up to all that much. i've been playing classicube (a minecraft classic recreation) on my vita and i must say it's... okay. the performance is no doubt amazing, but i can't say it's exactly like classic minecraft. there's just something about it that feels VERY clone-like, even when you have the real minecraft textures enabled. as well, the ps vita port i've been playing isn't very good. it works fine i suppose, but you can tell this is some kind of port from a different version (like android) because some of the controls are entirely forced on you no matter what. i had to use revita to disable the back touchpad because the game literally does not let you disable it. not to mention the awful ways in which you're forced to use the gui... using the touch screen is often unreliable (especially with their built in keyboard (???) which still lets you touch menu buttons even when the keyboard is above them) and using the d-pad for the gui can often be unpredictable as well. the game also doesn't save your controls for the built in "hacks" they give you. while i love classic minecraft and i think the idea of a performance based recreation is great, i find classicube is just not quite there yet with the whole "recreation" thing. in the end i'd much rather play the official minecraft port for the vita by 4j studios.

i don't really have much else to say today. i do think the next blog post will likely be about cliffeltip though, so look forward to that. bye bye now!!!