milly's moonbase!

here we go...


hi there! it's been a few days since my last post on this blog. to be honest, i've just been very lazy the past few days. ...hope that's alright LOL. i've been messing with a bunch of my ipods, trying to get at least one to work with the current stuff i have, and i've had no luck. it's been a little disheartening, to be honest. it's alright though, i can listen to music on my vita no problem. (it can even download music from youtube, which is a huge plus.)

my soldering iron kit that i ordered came in today. it's VERY cheap. like... incredibly cheap. it works, though. i find myself constantly switching out the tip because it's not very good at like... getting hot. i'm not really sure what's up with that. i was able to kind of do some of the things that i was hoping to be able to do with it. my batteries for the nanos haven't come in yet, so i haven't been able to replace their batteries yet, but i did take out the battery on one of them. it wasn't too hard, but the solder pads are SMALL.

aside from that, i made these crazy mac and cheese quesadillas with my little sister. they took so long to make, but i think it was worth it. i couldn't even finish mine LOL...

i found out two days ago what my classes are going to be this upcoming school year. do you remember that thing i said a while back? "if my school gives me classes i didn't pick for a Second Time in a Row i'm gonna steal the moon twice and blame it on the administration"... it ended up kind of happening. i was given two honors classes when i specifically picked NONE just because of how much having honors classes pissed me off last year. i really don't need school to be harder just so i can have "bragging rights". bragging rights to who? my employer? i can assure you the dollar store will not care if i'm in two honors classes. anyway though, the honors classes they gave me luckily won't be that bad. it's spanish and world history, which are actually fine classes to have be "harder". this is especially true because i had that same spanish teacher last year, and her class is usually easy (work wise. not on my sanity. i'll explain this eventually.) history is also usually pretty easy, although i'm sad it's not the same teacher i had last year because her approach to teaching was very laid back and it really helped me chill out. anyway, all in all i'm not too mad about any of that. i don't think you'll be hearing about any moon theivery any time soon, but who knows. if i do plan on doing that, i'll probably write about it here first.

alright, so i go to a vocational school. this means that i have to be part of something called a "technical program" (also called a shop). basically, you spend every other week at this school in a class/environment where you learn about a career path of your choosing. you spend the whole day in the class for that week, and standard academics the other weeks. seems like a cool system, right? that would mean you get half the amount of time in school and half doing something that you enjoy. this would be true... assuming you're not in a technical program that makes you wanna put in your two weeks for your enrollment. what i mean by this is; i hate my technical program. pretty much everything about it. it's not enough that the instructor is this old man who criticizes everything that you do and will only laugh at your expense. it's not enough that for the entirety of last year, i had to sit next to someone in my shop who had a rape list (which btw included a 7 year old and a 9 year old). it's really that the program is just a sweatshop, and i don't get any useful info from the work that we do. for context, i want to be a computer repair technician. i thought that by choosing the program called ELECTRONICS TECHNOLOGY i might be able to learn about how computers or devices work and how to fix and operate them. i was very wrong. this shop is about robotics and circuit/product design. it's not at all what i thought it would be, and this year i'm going to switch to a different shop. i'm almost hoping that i'll be able to switch before the year starts (the first week is a shop week), but maybe not. i just need out of there LOL. sorry if this came across super angry, i just really needed to write some of that down.

with that out of the way, i don't have much else to say right now. i think i'll post again once i have my first day back at school. bye bye for now, have a good day!